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হে আহলে কিতাবগণ! কেন তোমরা ইব্রাহীমের বিষয়ে বাদানুবাদ কর? অথচ তওরাত ও ইঞ্জিল তাঁর পরেই নাযিল হয়েছে। তোমরা কি বুঝ না?
O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Why do you dispute about Ibrâhim (Abraham), while the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) were not revealed till after him? Have you then no sense?

يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ لِمَ تُحَآجُّونَ فِي إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَمَا أُنزِلَتِ التَّورَاةُ وَالإنجِيلُ إِلاَّ مِن بَعْدِهِ أَفَلاَ تَعْقِلُونَ
Ya ahla alkitabi lima tuhajjoona fee ibraheema wama onzilati alttawratu waal-injeelu illa min baAAdihi afala taAAqiloona

YUSUFALI: Ye People of the Book! Why dispute ye about Abraham, when the Law and the Gospel Were not revealed Till after him? Have ye no understanding?
PICKTHAL: O People of the Scripture! Why will ye argue about Abraham, when the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed till after him? Have ye then no sense?
SHAKIR: O followers of the Book! why do you dispute about Ibrahim, when the Taurat and the Injeel were not revealed till after him; do you not then understand?
KHALIFA: O followers of the scripture, why do you argue about Abraham, when the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him? Do you not understand?