
তাঁর সাথে কারাগারে দুজন যুবক প্রবেশ করল। তাদের একজন বললঃ আমি স্বপ্নে দেখলাম যে, আমি মদ নিঙড়াচ্ছি। অপরজন বললঃ আমি দেখলাম যে, নিজ মাথায় রুটি বহন করছি। তা থেকে পাখী ঠুকরিয়ে খাচ্ছে। আমাদের কে এর ব্যাখ্যা বলুন। আমরা আপনাকে সৎকর্মশীল দেখতে পাচ্ছি।
And there entered with him two young men in the prison. One of them said: ”Verily, I saw myself (in a dream) pressing wine.” The other said: ”Verily, I saw myself (in a dream) carrying bread on my head and birds were eating thereof.” (They said): ”Inform us of the interpretation of this. Verily, we think you are one of the Muhsinûn (doers of good – see V.2:112).”

وَدَخَلَ مَعَهُ السِّجْنَ فَتَيَانَ قَالَ أَحَدُهُمَآ إِنِّي أَرَانِي أَعْصِرُ خَمْرًا وَقَالَ الآخَرُ إِنِّي أَرَانِي أَحْمِلُ فَوْقَ رَأْسِي خُبْزًا تَأْكُلُ الطَّيْرُ مِنْهُ نَبِّئْنَا بِتَأْوِيلِهِ إِنَّا نَرَاكَ مِنَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ
Wadakhala maAAahu alssijna fatayani qala ahaduhuma innee aranee aAAsiru khamran waqala al-akharu innee aranee ahmilu fawqa ra/see khubzan ta/kulu alttayru minhu nabbi/na bita/weelihi inna naraka mina almuhsineena

YUSUFALI: Now with him there came into the prison two young men. Said one of them: “I see myself (in a dream) pressing wine.” said the other: “I see myself (in a dream) carrying bread on my head, and birds are eating, thereof.” “Tell us” (they said) “The truth and meaning thereof: for we see thou art one that doth good (to all).”
PICKTHAL: And two young men went to prison with him. One of them said: I dreamed that I was pressing wine. The other said: I dreamed that I was carrying upon my head bread whereof the birds were eating. Announce unto us the interpretation, for we see thee of those good (at interpretation).
SHAKIR: And two youths entered the prison with him. One of them said: I saw myself pressing wine. And the other said: I saw myself carrying bread on my head, of which birds ate. Inform us of its interpretation; surely we see you to be of the doers of good.
KHALIFA: Two young men were in the prison with him. One of them said, “I saw (in my dream) that I was making wine,” and the other said, “I saw myself carrying bread on my head, from which the birds were eating. Inform us of the interpretation of these dreams. We see that you are righteous.”