Adi-lila_Chapter 15

Chapter 15

The Lord’s Paugaṇḍa-līlā

A synopsis of the Fifteenth Chapter is as follows. The Lord took lessons in grammar from Gaṅgādāsa Paṇḍita and became very expert in commenting upon grammar. He forbade His mother to take grains on the Ekādaśī day. He narrated a story that Viśvarūpa, after accepting the sannyāsa order, invited Him in a dream to accept sannyāsa also, but the Lord refused and was therefore sent back home. When Jagannātha Miśra passed away, the Lord married the daughter of Vallabhācārya, whose name was Lakṣmī. All these events are summarized in this chapter.


ku-manāḥ su-manastvaṁ hi

yāti yasya padābjayoḥ


taṁ caitanya-prabhuṁ bhaje


ku-manāḥ-a person interested in activities of material sense enjoyment; su-manastvam-the position of a devotee without material desires; hi-certainly; yāti-gets; yasya-whose; pada-abjayoḥ-at the lotus feet; su-manaḥ-the flower of the name sumanas; arpaṇa-offering; mātreṇa-simply by doing so; tam-Him; caitanya-prabhum-Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu; bhaje-I worship.


I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya because simply by offering a sumanas flower at His lotus feet even the most ardent materialist becomes a devotee.


jaya jaya śrī-caitanya jaya nityānanda

jayādvaitacandra, jaya gaura-bhakta-vṛnda


jaya jaya-all glories; śrī-caitanya-Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu; jaya-all glories; nityānanda-Lord Nityānanda Prabhu; jaya-advaitacandra-all glories to Advaita Ācārya; jaya gaura-bhakta-vṛnda-all glories to the devotees of Lord Caitanya.


All glories to Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu! All glories to Lord Nityānanda Prabhu! All glories to Advaita Ācārya! And all glories to the devotees of Lord Caitanya!


paugaṇḍa-līlāra sūtra kariye gaṇana

paugaṇḍa-vayase prabhura mukhya adhyayana


paugaṇḍa-of the age from five years to ten years; līlāra-of the pastimes; sūtra-synopsis; kariye-I do; gaṇana-enumerate; paugaṇḍa-vayase-in that age between five and ten years; prabhura-of the Lord; mukhya-chief; adhyayana-studying.


Let me now enumerate the activities of the Lord between the ages of five and ten. His chief occupation during this period was to engage Himself in study.


paugaṇḍa-līlā caitanya-


vidyārambha-mukhā pāṇi-

grahaṇāntā mano-harā


paugaṇḍa-līlā-the pastimes of the paugaṇḍa age; caitanya-kṛṣṇasya-of Lord Caitanya, who is Kṛṣṇa Himself; ati-suvistṛtā-very much expanded; vidyā-ārambha-the beginning of education; mukhā-chief business; pāṇi-grahaṇa-marriage; antā-at the end; manaḥ-harā-very beautiful.


The pastimes of the Lord during His paugaṇḍa age were very extensive. His education was His chief occupation, and after that His very beautiful marriage took place.


gaṅgādāsa paṇḍita-sthāne paḍena vyākaraṇa

śravaṇa-mātre kaṇṭhe kaila sūtra-vṛtti-gaṇa


gaṅgādāsa-of the name Gaṅgādāsa; paṇḍita-sthāne-at the place of the teacher; paḍena-studies; vyākaraṇa-grammar; śravaṇa-mātre-simply by hearing; kaṇṭhe-between the neck and the heart; kaila-did; sūtra-vṛtti-gaṇa-the aphorisms and their definitions.


When the Lord was studying grammar at the place of Gaṅgādāsa Paṇḍita, He would immediately learn grammatical rules and definitions by heart simply by hearing them once.


Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura says that the Lord was given lessons by a teacher named Viṣṇu and another teacher named Sudarśana. Later on, when He was a little grown up, He was under the care of Gaṅgādāsa Paṇḍita, who taught Him grammar of a higher standard. Anyone serious about studying the Sanskrit language should first learn grammar. It is said that simply to finish studying Sanskrit grammar takes at least twelve years, but once one learns the grammatical rules and regulations very nicely, all other scriptures or subject matters in Sanskrit are extremely easy to understand, for Sanskrit grammar is the gateway to education.


alpa-kāle hailā pañjī-ṭīkāte pravīṇa

cira-kālera paḍuyā jine ha-iyā navīna


alpa-kāle-within a very short time; hailā-became; pañjī-ṭīkāte-in the commentary on grammar named Pañjī-ṭīkā; pravīṇa-very expert; cira-kālera-all older; paḍuyā-students; jine-conquers; ha-iyā-being; navīna-their junior.


He soon became so expert in commenting on the Pañjī-ṭīkā that He could win victory over all the other students, although He was a neophyte.


Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura says there was a commentary on grammar named Pañjī-ṭīkā that was later explained very lucidly by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.


adhyayana-līlā prabhura dāsa-vṛndāvana

‘caitanya-maṅgale’ kaila vistāri varṇana


adhyayana-līlā-pastimes of studying; prabhura-of the Lord; dāsa-vṛndāvana-Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura; caitanya-maṅgale-in his book Caitanya-maṅgala; kaila-has done; vistāri-elaborately; varṇana-explanation.


In his book Caitanya-maṅgala [which later became Caitanya-bhāgavata], Śrīla Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura very elaborately described the Lord’s pastimes of study.


The Caitanya-bhāgavata, Ādi-līlā, chapters Four, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten, are a good reference for the studious pastimes of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.


eka dina mātāra pade kariyā praṇāma

prabhu kahe,–mātā, more deha eka dāna


eka dina-one day; mātāra-of the mother; pade-on the feet; kariyā-doing; praṇāma-obeisances; prabhu-the Lord; kahe-said; mātā-My dear mother; more-unto Me; deha-give; eka-one; dāna-gift.


One day Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu fell down at the feet of His mother and requested her to give Him one thing in charity.


mātā bale,–tāi diba, yā tumi māgibe

prabhu kahe,–ekādaśīte anna nā khāibe


mātā bale-His mother said; tāi diba-I shall give that; yā-whatever; tumi-You; māgibe-should ask me; prabhu kahe-the Lord said; ekādaśīte-on the Ekādaśī day; anna-grains; nā-don’t; khāibe-eat.


His mother replied, “My dear son, I will give You whatever You ask.” Then the Lord said, “My dear mother, please do not eat grains on the Ekādaśī day.”


From the very beginning of His childhood life Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu introduced the system of observing a fast on the Ekādaśī day. In the Bhakti-sandarbha, by Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī, there is a quotation from the Skanda Purāṇa admonishing that a person who eats grains on Ekādaśī becomes a murderer of his mother, father, brother and spiritual master, and even if he is elevated to a Vaikuṇṭha planet, he falls down. On Ekādaśī, everything is cooked for Viṣṇu, including regular grains and dahi, but it is enjoined that a Vaiṣṇava should not even take viṣṇu-prasāda on Ekādaśī. It is said that a Vaiṣṇava does not accept anything eatable that is not offered to Lord Viṣṇu, but on Ekādaśī a Vaiṣṇava should not touch even mahā-prasāda offered to Viṣṇu, although such prasāda may be kept for being eaten the next day. It is strictly forbidden for one to accept any kind of grain on Ekādaśī, even if it is offered to Lord Viṣṇu.


śacī kahe,–nā khāiba, bhāla-i kahilā

sei haite ekādaśī karite lāgilā


śacī kahe-mother Śacī said; nā khāiba-I shall not take; bhāla-i kahilā-You have said very nicely; sei haite-from that day; ekādaśī-Ekādaśī day; karite lāgilā-began to observe.


Mother Śacī said, “You have spoken very nicely. I shall not eat grains on Ekādaśī.” From that day, she began to observe fasting on Ekādaśī.


It is a prejudice amongst smārta-brāhmaṇas that a widow must observe fasting on Ekādaśī but a woman who has her husband should not. It appears that before the request of Lord Caitanya Śacīmātā was not observing Ekādaśī because of her being sa-dhava, which means that her husband was living. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, however, introduced the system that a woman, even if not a widow, must observe the Ekādaśī day and must not touch any kind of grains, even those offered to the Deity of Viṣṇu.


tabe miśra viśvarūpera dekhiyā yauvana

kanyā cāhi’ vivāha dite karilena mana


tabe-thereafter; miśra-Jagannātha Miśra; viśvarūpera-of Viśvarūpa, his elder son; dekhiyā-seeing; yauvana-youthfulness; kanyā cāhi’-wanting to find a girl; vivāha-marriage; dite-to give; karilena-made up; mana-his mind.


Thereafter, seeing that Viśvarūpa was a grown-up youth, Jagannātha Miśra wanted to find a girl and arrange a marriage ceremony for Him.


viśvarūpa śuni’ ghara chāḍi palāilā

sannyāsa kariyā tīrtha karibāre gelā


viśvarūpa-of the name Viśvarūpa; śuni’-hearing this; ghara-home; chāḍi-giving up; palāilā-went away; sannyāsa-the renounced order; kariyā-accepting; tīrtha-the holy places; karibāre-for touring; gelā-went away.


Hearing of this, Viśvarūpa immediately left home and went away to accept sannyāsa and travel from one place of pilgrimage to another.


śuni, śacī-miśrera duḥkhī haila mana

tabe prabhu mātā-pitāra kaila āśvāsana


śuni’-hearing this; śacī-of mother Śacī; miśrera-and of Jagannātha Miśra; duḥkhī-very unhappy; haila-became; mana-minds; tabe-at that time; prabhu-Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu; mātā-pitāra-of the parents; kaila-did; āśvāsana-pacification.


When Śacīmātā and Jagannātha Miśra heard of the departure of their elder son, Viśvarūpa, they were very unhappy, but Lord Caitanya tried to console them.


bhāla haila,–viśvarūpa sannyāsa karila

pitṛ-kula, mātṛ-kula,–dui uddhārila


bhāla haila-it is very good; viśvarūpa-of the name Viśvarūpa; sannyāsa-the renounced order of life; karila-has accepted; pitṛ-kula-father’s family; mātṛ-kula-mother’s family; dui-both of them; uddhārila-delivered.


“My dear mother and father,” the Lord said, “it is very good that Viśvarūpa has accepted the sannyāsa order, for thus He has delivered both His father’s family and His mother’s family.”


It is sometimes said that Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu did not approve of the acceptance of the sannyāsa order in this Kali-yuga because in the śāstra it is said:

aśvamedhaṁ gavālambhaṁ
sannyāsaṁ pala-paitṛkam
devareṇa sutotpattiṁ
kalau pañca vivarjayet

“In this Kali-yuga the performance of the aśvamedha-yajña or gomedha-yajña, sacrifices in which a horse or cow is offered, should be avoided, as should the acceptance of sannyāsa, the renounced order of life.” (Brahma-vaivarta Purāṇa, Kṛṣṇa-janma-khaṇḍa 185.180)

Nevertheless we see that Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu Himself accepted sannyāsa and approved of the sannyāsa of His elder brother, Viśvarūpa. It is clearly said here, bhāla haila,–viśvarūpa sannyāsa karila pitṛ-kula, mātṛ-kula,–dui uddhārila. Therefore, should it be thought that Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu made statements that are contradictory? No, actually He did not. It is recommended that one accept sannyāsa to dedicate his life for the service of the Lord, and everyone must take that kind of sannyāsa, for by accepting such sannyāsa one renders the best service to both his paternal and maternal families. But one should not accept the sannyāsa order of the Māyāvāda school, which has practically no meaning. We find many Māyāvādī sannyāsīs simply loitering in the street thinking themselves Brahman or Nārāyaṇa and spending all day and night begging so they can fill their hungry bellies. Māyāvādī sannyāsīs have become so degraded that there is a section of them who eat everything, just like hogs and dogs. It is such degraded sannyāsa that is prohibited in this age. Actually, Śrīla Śaṅkarācārya’s principles for the acceptance of sannyāsa were very strict, but later the so-called Māyāvādī sannyāsīs became degraded because of their false philosophy, which propounds that by accepting sannyāsa one becomes Nārāyaṇa. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu rejected that kind of sannyāsa. But the acceptance of sannyāsa is one of the items of the varṇāśrama-dharma. How then can it be rejected?


āmi ta’ kariba tomā’ duṅhara sevana

śuniyā santuṣṭa haila pitā-mātāra mana


āmi ta’-I; kariba-shall do; tomā-for you; duṅhāra-both; sevana-service; śuniyā-after hearing; santuṣṭa-pleased; haila-became; pitā-mātāra mana-the parents’ minds.


Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu assured His parents that He would serve them, and thus the minds of His father and mother were satisfied.


eka-dina naivedya-tāmbūla khāiyā

bhūmite paḍilā prabhu acetana hañā


eka-dina-one day; naivedya-food offered to the Deity; tāmbūla-betel nut; khāiyā-after eating; bhūmite-on the ground; padilā-fell; prabhu-the Lord; acetana-unconscious; hañā-becoming.


One day Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu ate betel nuts offered to the Deity, but they acted as an intoxicant, and He fell down on the ground unconscious.


Betel nuts are an intoxicant, and therefore the regulative principles prohibit eating them. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s pastime of fainting after eating betel nuts is a solid instruction to all of us that one should not touch betel nuts, even those offered to Viṣṇu, just as one should not touch grains on the Ekādaśī day. Of course, Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s fainting had a particular purpose. As the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He can do whatever He likes and eat whatever He wants, but we should not imitate His pastimes.


āste-vyaste pitā-mātā mukhe dila pāni

sustha hañā kahe prabhu apūrva kāhinī


āste-vyaste-with great haste; pitā-mātā-both the parents; mukhe-on the mouth; dila-gave; pāni-water; sustha hañā-being revived; kahe-says; prabhu-the Lord; apūrva-something astonishing; kāhinī-narration.


After His father and mother sprinkled water on His mouth with great haste, the Lord revived and said something wonderful they had never heard before.


ethā haite viśvarūpa more lañā gelā

sannyāsa karaha tumi, āmāre kahilā


etha-here; haite-from; viśvarūpa-of the name Viśvarūpa; more-Me; lañā-taking with Him; gelā-went; sannyāsa-the renounced order of life; karaha-accept; tumi-You also; amāre-unto Me; kahilā-He said.


The Lord said, “Viśvarūpa took Me away from here, and He requested Me to accept the sannyāsa order.


āmi kahi,–āmāra anātha pitā-mātā

āmi bālaka,–sannyāsera kibā jāni kathā


āmi kahi-I said; āmāra-My; anātha-helpless; pitā-mātā-father and mother; āmi-I am; bālaka-only a child; sannyāsera-of the renounced order of life; kibā-what; jāni-I know; kathā-words.


“I replied to Viśvarūpa, ‘I have My helpless father and mother, and also I am but a child. What do I know about the sannyāsa order of life?


gṛhastha ha-iyā kariba pitā-mātāra sevana

ihāte-i tuṣṭa habena lakṣmī-nārāyaṇa


gṛhastha-a householder; ha-iyā-becoming; kariba-I shall do; pitā-mātāra-of the parents; sevana-service; ihāte-i-in this; tuṣṭa-satisfied; habena-will become; lakṣmī-nārāyaṇa-the goddess of fortune and Nārāyaṇa.


” ‘Later I shall become a householder and thus serve My parents, for this action will very much satisfy Lord Nārāyaṇa and His wife, the goddess of fortune.’


tabe viśvarūpa ihāṅ pāṭhāila more

mātāke kahio koṭi koṭi namaskāre


tabe-then; viśvarūpa-of the name Viśvarūpa; ihāṅ-here; pāṭhāila-sent; more-Me; mātāke kahio-speak to My mother; koṭi koṭi-hundreds and thousands; namaskāre-obeisances.


“Then Viśvarūpa returned Me home and requested, ‘Offer thousands and thousands of obeisances unto My mother, Śacīdevī.’ “


ei mata nānā līlā kare gaurahari

ki kāraṇe līlā,–ihā bujhite nā pāri


ei mata-in this way; nānā-various; līlā-pastimes; kare-does; gaurahari-Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; ki kāraṇe-what is the reason; līlā-pastimes; ihā-this; bujhite-to understand; nā-not; pāri-I am able.


In this way Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu performed various pastimes, but why He did so I cannot understand.


The Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees who come to this world are executing a mission, and therefore sometimes they act in a way that is very difficult to understand. It is said, therefore, vaiṣṇavera kriyā-mudrā vijñeha nā bujhaya: even if one is a very learned and intelligent scholar, he cannot understand the activities of a Vaiṣṇava. A Vaiṣṇava accepts anything favorable for executing his mission. But foolish persons, not knowing the purpose of such exalted Vaiṣṇavas, indulge in criticizing them. That is forbidden. Since no one can understand what a Vaiṣṇava does for the purpose of executing his mission, to criticize such a Vaiṣṇava is the offense called sādhu-nindā.


kata dina rahi’ miśra gelā para-loka

mātā-putra duṅhāra bāḍila hṛdi śoka


kata dina-some days; rahi’-remaining; miśra-Jagannātha Miśra; gelā-passed away; para-loka-for the transcendental world; mātā-mother; putra-son; duṅhāra-of both of them; bāḍila-increased; hṛdi-in the hearts; śoka-lamentation.


After some days, Jagannātha Miśra passed away from this world to the transcendental world, and both mother and son were very much aggrieved in their hearts.


bandhu-bāndhava asi’ duṅhā prabodhila

pitṛ-kriyā vidhi-mate īśvara karila


bandhu-friends; bāndhava-relatives; āsi’-coming there; duṅhā-both of them; prabodhila-pacified; pitṛ-kriyā-rituals performed after the death of the father; vidhi-mate-according to the Vedic system; īśvara-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; karila-executed.


Friends and relatives came there to pacify both Lord Caitanya and His mother. Then Lord Caitanya, even though He was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, executed the rituals for His dead father according to the Vedic system.


kata dine prabhu citte karilā cintana

gṛhastha ha-ilāma, ebe cāhi gṛha-dharma


kata dine-after some days; prabhu-the Lord; citte-within His mind; karilā-made; cintana-consideration; gṛhastha ha-ilāma-I remained in householder life; ebe-now; cāhi-I want; gṛha-dharma-activities of family life.


After some days the Lord thought, “I did not take sannyāsa, and since I am remaining at home it is My duty to act as a gṛhastha.


gṛhiṇī vinā gṛha-dharma nā haya śobhana

eta cinti’ vivāha karite haila mana


gṛhiṇī-wife; vinā-without; gṛha-dharma-duties of family life; nā-not; haya-become; śobhana-beautiful; eta cinti’-thinking thus; vivāha-marriage; karite-to execute; haila-became; mana-mind.


“Without a wife,” Lord Caitanya considered, “there is no meaning to householder life.” Thus the Lord decided to marry.


na gṛhaṁ gṛham ity āhur

gṛhiṇī gṛham ucyate

tayā hi sahitaḥ sarvān

puruṣārthān samaśnute


na-not; gṛham-the home; gṛham-the house; iti-thus; āhuḥ-said; gṛhiṇī-the wife; gṛham-home; ucyate-it is said; tayā-with her; hi-certainly; sahitaḥ-together; sarvān-all; puruṣa-arthān-goals of human life; samaśnute-perfects.


“Merely a house is not a home, for it is a wife who gives a home its meaning. If one lives at home with his wife, together they can fulfill all the interests of human life.”


daive eka dina prabhu paḍiyā āsite

vallabhācāryera kanyā dekhe gaṅgā-pathe


daive-accidentally; eka dina-one day; prabhu-the Lord; paḍiyā-after studying; āsite-while He was coming back; vallabhācāryera-of Vallabhācārya; kanyā-daughter; dekhe-sees; gaṅgā-pathe-on the way to the Ganges.


One day when the Lord was coming back from school He accidentally saw the daughter of Vallabhācārya on the way to the Ganges.


pūrva-siddha bhāva duṅhāra udaya karila

daive vanamālī ghaṭaka śacī-sthāne āila


pūrva-siddha-as it is already settled; bhāva-ecstasy; duṅhāra-of both of them; udaya-awakened; karila-was made; daive-also accidentally; vanamālī-of the name Vanamālī; ghaṭaka-the marriage-maker; śacī-sthāne-at the place of Śacīmātā; āila-came.


When the Lord and Lakṣmīdevī met, their relationship awakened, having already been settled, and coincidentally the marriage-maker Vanamālī came to see Śacīmātā.


Vanamālī Ghaṭaka, a resident of Navadvīpa and a brāhmaṇa by caste, arranged the marriage of the Lord to Lakṣmīdevī. He was formerly Viśvāmitra, who negotiated the marriage of Lord Rāmacandra, and later he was the brāhmaṇa who negotiated the marriage of Lord Kṛṣṇa with Rukmiṇī. That same brāhmaṇa acted as the marriage-maker of the Lord in caitanya-līlā.


śacīra iṅgite sambandha karila ghaṭana

lakṣmīke vivāha kaila śacīra nandana


śacīra iṅgite-by the indication of mother Śacī; sambandha-the relationship; karila-made; ghaṭana-possible; lakṣmīke-unto Lakṣmīdevī; vivāha-marriage; kaila-executed; śacīra nandana-the son of mother Śacī.


Following the indications of Śacīdevī, Vanamālī Ghaṭaka arranged the marriage, and thus in due course the Lord married Lakṣmīdevī.


vistāriyā varṇilā tāhā vṛndāvana-dāsa

ei ta’ paugaṇḍa-līlāra sūtra-prakāśa


vistāriyā-having elaborated; varṇilā-has described; tāhā-that; vṛndāvana-dāsa-Ṭhākura Vṛndāvana dāsa; ei ta’-this is; paugaṇḍa-līlāra-of the pastimes of His early age; sūtra-prakāśa-manifestation of the synopsis.


Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura has elaborately described all these pastimes of the Lord’s early age. What I have given is but a condensed presentation of the same pastimes.


paugaṇḍa vayase līlā bahuta prakāra

vṛndāvana-dāsa ihā kariyāchena vistāra


paugaṇḍa vayase-in His early age; līlā-pastimes; bahuta prakāra-of various kinds; vṛndāvana-dāsa-Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura; ihā-this; kariyāchena-has done; vistāra-the elaborate explanation.


The Lord performed many varieties of pastimes in His early age, and Śrīla Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura has described them elaborately.


ataeva diṅmātra ihāṅ dekhāila

‘caitanya-maṅgale’ sarva-loke khyāta haila


ataeva-therefore; diṅ-mātra-only in the matter of indication; ihāṅ-here; dekhāila-I have exhibited; caitanya-maṅgale-in the book of the name Caitanya-maṅgala; sarva-loke-all over the world; khyāta-famous; haila-became.


I have given but a single hint of these pastimes, for Vrndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura, in his book Caitanya-maṅgala [now Caitanya-bhāgavata], has described them all vividly.


śrī-rūpa-raghunātha-pade yāra āśa

caitanya-caritāmṛta kahe kṛṣṇadāsa


śrī-rūpa-Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī; raghunātha-Śrīla Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī; pade-at the lotus feet; yāra-whose; āśa-expectation; caitanya-caritāmṛta-the book named Caitanya-caritāmṛta; kahe-describes; kṛṣṇadāsa-Śrīla Kṛṣṇadāsa Kavirāja Gosvāmī.


Praying at the lotus feet of Śrī Rūpa and Śrī Raghunātha, always desiring their mercy, I, Kṛṣṇadāsa, narrate Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, following in their footsteps.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports to Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi-līla, Fifteenth Chapter, describing the Lord’s paugaṇḍa-līlā.